Learning Games
Welcome to my Learning Games page. As a teacher I wanted to make learning more fun. I decided to learn how to make games for my students to use to learn concepts. This has lead to HTML, iPad Webapps, Javascript, Android, .Net, and Java programming. Games and programs I have developed are listed on this page. Java games can be downloaded and saved anywhere on your computer. Android games have been discontinued as iPads are more widely used. iPad Webapps can be bookmarked, or saved to the homepage for offline use. .Net games were designed to run off of a USB flash drive and on a netbook. All .Net games need to be downloaded and saved as a complete package in their folder to run correctly. They will run off any PC, but the folder needs to be accessible to the students. Students and teachers may change databases for some of the games and that will be listed. .Net games should start with a double click of the schoolhouse or partner learning icon. .Net programs are designed in the .Net Framework and .Net Framework is required to run these programs. Don't forget to show your appreciation with a donation or pay it forward.

Touch, Chrome, and iPad Web-apps:(many in process, report bugs, please)

Barn Audition-B ,Compost Audition- C ,Hive Audition-H ,Ladybug Audition-L ,Wheelbarrow Audition-W
Phonics letter practice for audition and speech. (updated 5/19/20)
Writing Prompts 1, 2
Students pick a picture to write about. Can change fonts and email story.(updated 10/20/13)
Secret Number Guess 1-100, (updated 6/12/2020) 1-50, 1-20.
Students try to guess the computers number with cues. (updated 2/2/16)
Number Matching
Students pick the number value to match the prompt.
Plural Racer
Students pick the correct plural to make their car race the computer.
Flies In My Soup Typing
Students practice typing with different levels.(updated 4/28/13)
River Tubing
Students practice plurals, possessives, and present verbs while tubing and avoiding the rocks.Not working on new iPads :((updated 10/4/13)
Abbreviation Balloons
Students practice recognizing balloons with correct title abbreviations.
Crazy Clowns
Students practice matching antonyms, synonyms and idioms to get to hit the clowns with a pie.
Trivia Clowns
Students practice trivia to get to hit the clowns with a pie.
Dancing Colors
Students choose the color by name to make the crayons dance.
Pig Pen N-Back
Students work on their working memory with n-back recall activities.
Dolch Treasure Hunt(updated 6/12/2020)
Students work on spelling Dolch sight words.
Walk the Plank
Students work on spelling Dolch sight words.(updated 2/4/16)
Alphabones(updated 6/12/2020)
Students practice ABC order by giving the dog his alphabones in order.
Numberbones(updated 6/12/2020)
Students practice number order by giving the dog his numberbones in order.
Students practice remembering items in a sentence in an arcade like game.Not working on new iPads :(
Workout Planner
Choose your exercises, workout duration, and workout intensity. The computer will randomize your exercises to help you stay fit. (updated 2/4/16)
Tic Tac Grammar
Play tic tac toe with sentence parts of speech.(updated 2/4/16)
.Net games
Now available by Email request.
Alphafrog Zip -Students help the frog choose the flies to eat in alphabetical order. Sounds and visuals help students learning their alphabet.
Leaf Count Zip -Students choose leaves in numerical order to learn their numbers.
Dancing Colors Zip -Students choose the color by name to make the crayons dance.
Dolch Treasure Hunt Zip -Students practice choosing the voiced Dolch sight word and search to find the treasure before the pirates get them.
Going Fishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Advanced. -Students practice spelling the voiced Dolch sight word and search to find the fish before their worms get away. This has three levels and Advanced for the top 90 misspelled words. Email for directions on adding new words.
Contractions Race Zip -Students practice making contractions to race against the computer.
Plurals Race Zip -Students practice making plural nouns to race against the computer.
Subject Predicate Jumble Zip -Students change this database by adding their own subject and predicate. Then the subjects and predicates are scrambled. There is also a practice mode for identifying subjects and predicates. Database entries that are wrong or need to be removed may be removed by entering the database from the launching folder.
What Concentration Zip -Students can review "what questions" and answers and play a matching game.
Literary Elements Concentration Zip -Students can review literary elements, such as plot, setting, and characters, and play a matching game. You can change the cards in the info folder with paint and review any subject you would like. I worked with a student to do great site for science vocab.
Tic Tac Grammar Zip -Students play tic tac toe by answering parts of speech questions that include Subjects, Verbs, Objects, Adverbs, and Adjectives. The database in this project can be edited by students or staff. ALL SQUARES MUST BE FILLED IN in each database. Use prior rows as an example.
Opposites Matching Zip -Students can practice opposites and play a matching game.
Opposites Matching with voice Zip -Students can practice opposites with words voiced and play a matching game.
Orca Adventure Zip -Students can practice multiple meaning and multiple spelling words and search to find the whales before the sharks get them.
Hopping Verbs Zip -Students can practice making verb tenses with a two player game. Students may add to the database using their own subjects and verbs.
Crazy Clowns Zip -Students can practice synonyms, antonyms, or idioms and play a fun clown game as a reward. Has three levels that can be modified by the teacher.

Java Games:
Available by Email request.
Secret Number -Students guess the computer's secret number.
Start Writing -Students practice skills associated with writing and write from prompts. Classifying, letter sounds, following directions, punctuation, and parts of speech are included.

Disclaimer: While information is as accurate as possible, errors may occur. To be used for informational purposes. Individual contributors are not held accountable for misuse.

Pages created by
Cheryl Kobernik.





